Medically Managed Detox Program
Waterfront Recovery Services is the first detox program certified by the State of California Department of Health Care Services to provide medically assisted treatment for drug and alcohol withdrawal.
Includes withdrawal treatment for alcohol, opiates, methamphetamine, benzodiazepine and combinations of substances. We use the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) criteria and dimensions of care to develop an individualized treatment plan. Our evidence based programs include the Matrix System.
Residential Treatment Program
We provide residential treatment for men and women to help understand addiction, learn healthy coping skills and to prepare them for return to the community.
Treating Addiction by Treating the Whole Person
We Accept Private Insurance & MediCal
As we approach the end of the year, we approach the end of an era.
Our beloved Co-Founder and Medical/Clinical Director, Dr. Ruby Bayan, is retiring. Her commitment to the success of Waterfront Recovery Services is unparalleled, and we express an infinite amount of gratitude as she has devoted countless hours to helping our community's most vulnerable achieve recovery. But now is the time for her to be closer with family and share the joy and laughter of her children and grandchildren. Since Waterfront opened, Dr. Bayan has become grandmother to five beautiful babies on opposite sides of the country.

Addressing Community Needs
Addiction Studies - Wellness Practices
Life Skills - Employment Opportunities
Transition Support​
Waterfront Recovery Services medical professionals and staff work as a team to treat those suffering from Substance Use Disorder with respect and compassion.
We address not only the physical challenges but the social and intellectual needs of our residents working to put their lives back together including support as they transition to healthy and productive lives in the community.
See videos on our YouTube Channel
Humboldt has many organization working to provide resources and services that make our community stronger.
Links to Community Events & Resources

Waterfront Recovery Services partners with Unshame California,
a campaign working to reduce stigma around substance use disorder in California.

Affordable Homeless Housing Alternatives
1st Saturdays at the Labor Temple,
840 E St. Eureka 11:30-2
The Care-A-Van Showers are back!
See schedule here:

The Jefferson Project
Our lobby is dedicated to co-founder John McManus. Thanks for your help, Piersons Building Center!

Waterfront Recovery Services 2020 Overview
John McManus, WRS cofounder, talks about the vision for a higher standard of care and early community collaboration.